Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Reconfigurating wLS domain 12.2.1 - decreases the time

  1. Caution: Once the domain reconfiguration process starts, it is irreversible. Prior to using the Reconfiguration Wizard or WLST to upgrade the domain, ensure that you have backed up the domain. If an error or other interruption occurs during the reconfiguration process, you must restore the domain by copying the files and directories from the backup location to the original domain directory. This is the only way to ensure that the domain has been returned to its original state prior to reconfiguration.
  2. Set the CONFIG_JVM_ARGS environment variable to the following value to use the operating system's random number generator:
    This decreases the amount of time it takes for the Reconfiguration Wizard to reconfigure a domain.
  3. export CONFIG_JVM_ARGS=-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom

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